“Andar en verdad”. La verdad como hermenéutica teresiana de la vida-espiritualidad carmelitana
In this study, we aim to study the notion of Truth in the writings of Saint Teresa of Jesus, within the context of her Carmelite and Contemplative Charism. We present the Truth as a hermeneutics or intepretation of this same charism which is marked by the mystical experience of the author. We undertake this analysis by examining the textual unfolding of the mystical experience as found in her mystical texts which constitute her mystagogical discourse. This is done with the aim of returning to the origin of everything which Teresa calls, using a technical expression: Mystical Theology. In efect, this essay is a panoramic overview that highlights the basis of Teresa's mystagogical endeavor. At the same time, it underscores the metaphysical richness of her thought.