Looking through the Eyes of the Poor and in Solidarity with them: Inculturation of Carmelite Spirituality in the Philippines


  • Rico Palaca Ponce O.Carm Author


This article reflects on the dynamic presence of the Carmelites in the Philippines, particularly in the area of inculturation. In the context  of the notion of “Identity enacted” as introduced by Prof. Dr. Johannes van der Ven, an empirical theologian, inculturation of  Carmelite Spirituality in the Philippines is defined here as the dynamic process of give and take between the ideals of Carmelite life  and the rich cultural heritage of the Filipino people amidst the complex realities of their lives. The inculturation of Carmelite Spirituality  in the Philippines can be discerned in the written documents, involvements and advocacies of the Carmelites in this  country. Reflecting on such an inculturation, one can say that we have charted a life pattern that is coherent and anchored on the  optic of the “Other” and of the poor, defenceless, downtrodden, marginalized and exploited. As such, one can rightly suggest that this life pattern is indeed an enactment of our “identity enacted”.





