Rilettura del Carisma della Congregazione delle Suore Carmelitane missionarie di S. Teresa del Bambino Gesù alla luce della teologia della missione contemporanea
This article summarizes research and reflections that have been done over the years, made public and familiar to us through group studies, national seminars, meetings by regions, national and international congresses, as well as studies made by publishing houses, in an attempt to show more and more clearly the Congregation’s charism inherited from our founders Mother Crucifixa Curcio and Father Lourenzo van den Eerenbeemt. In the most pedagogical way possible, we aim to highlight the charism of the congregation that has been read over and over, trying to sort out in a modern and concrete way its reinterpretation, presenting its implications and consequent demands. We are trying to provoke the definition of the ramifications that all this implies for today in our history. As a result of the missionary charism, the Carmelite Sisters are called to fulfill Saint Theresa’s great desire: the conversion of the whole world. The expression “conversion of the whole world” is meant, by the founders, to signify the missionary passion of the Saint of Lisieux: “to love Jesus and make him loved” by all so that the Kingdom of God may expand among men. It means knowing Jesus, the one send by Father, since only in Jesus all can find salvation; “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4, 12).