Maddalena de Pazzi’s Consilium Trinitatis in the light of Luther’s Solus Christus doctrine. An approximation


  • Charlò - Carmel Camilleri, O.Carm Author


The uniqueness of Jesus Christ and his paschal mystery in the story of salvation is a central tenet of the Reformation initiated by  Martin Luther. To the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, Word of Father, Luther and subsequently the Reformers, heirs of a particular  Christian mystique of the Word, fuse the uniqueness of Sacred Scripture. Similarly in this time of great social and ecclesial changes,  Maddalena de Pazzi, the mystic par excellence of the Catholic reform, from within the Florentine Carmelite monastery, proclaims  through her prophetic drama the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, the humanified Word of the Father. Central to her prophetic mysticism is  the Word heard, guarded, incarnated and proclaimed with words and gestures, making almost sacramentally present, the humanified and dry-bled Word. This essay tries to bring together the reformer and the renovator taking as constituent this central point of their  spiritual experience in the church.





