Presencia del Resucitado en la comunidad eclesial: “Señales” que la evidencian (Jn 20,19-29)
In this article, a succinct exegetical study of Jn 20:19-29 (vv.1-29) is carried out. The aim is to corroborate that the perceptible and unexpected effects experienced by the disciples and noted in this Johannine text, namely: “peace, joy, participation in the very mission of the Risen One, the gift of the Spirit, the authority and gift to forgive sins and to retain them, and the beatitude of faith”, form an evident “sign” of the presence of the risen Jesus Christ in the midst of his own. For it is precisely this presence - in the here and now of the Christian community - that guarantees forgiveness and communion with the brethren which, as Fr Xiberta argued, is received through the sacrament of reconciliation.