La Biblia en el Carmelo teresianofemenino en el Siglo de oro


  • María Pilar Manero Sorolla Autor/a


When Teresa of Jesus brought to completion her project of reform and her first foundation (1562) the religious and political situation  in Spain in relation to the Bible was determined by the Indices of the Inquisition, which forbade translations of the Bible. In the  movement between foundations, mystical manifestations, spiritual direction and church magisterium, Teresa’s reading and her  writing, we can see the impact of the Inquisition, at the same time that the channels of knowledge, meditation, contemplation, vivification and celebration of the Word in the Teresian Carmel, paradoxically, the century of the prohibition of writing, was the Golden  Age of the Bible in Spain: not only because of the publication of the Biblia Poliglotta Complutense (1514-1517) and the Poliglotta Regia  (1569) but also because of the proud flourishing of spiritual literature in popular style and language based on the Bible within which we can easily situate the writings of Teresa and John of the Cross.





