Ian Johnson and Allan Westphall (eds) The Pseudo-Bonaventuran Lives ofChrist. Exploring the Middle English Tradition


  • Kevin Alban, O.Carm Autor/a


This work is one of several significant publications arising from a research project jointly conducted by The Queen’s University, Belfast  and St Andrew’s University in Scotland, called “Geographies of Orthodoxy: Mapping the English Pseudo-Bonaventuran Lives of Christ,  1350-1550”. In recent years there has been a serious re-evaluation of the English Church in the later Middle Ages and early modern  period which would stress the vibrancy and relevancy of the Church against the view that from around 1400 it was an institution in  decline only saved and resurrected by the Reformation from the early 16th century. Heterodoxy and heresy seem to attract more  attention and create more interest than orthodoxy, which by contrast appears rather mundane and even boring.






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