Il profetismo nella mistica di S. Teresa


  • Saverio Cannistrà, O.C.D. Autor/a


The mystical doctrine of Teresa still speaks to the Church and to world of today. Indeed, from it a very clear prophetic light radiates,  shining its rays in a number of important ways. Teresa reveals a God who is capable of coming very close to our flesh, taking on that  flesh in his Son Jesus; a God who relates to the human person and its fragility, who calls people to an encounter with him through the  unfolding of history and through its very humble and testing reality. Teresa may be seen as the teacher of a prayer that is deeply in  touch with reality, and within a wisdom that is so enlightened that it can see the truth of our world, a world that findsfulfilment in the  world that is to come, towards which the one who prays looks forward with every fibre of being. The concept of the human person  that comes from this experience is that of a being that is full of God, capable of being in relationship with God, and with others in  authentic compassion. The kind of spiritual life that Teresa proposes is never limited or closed in on itself, but always open and in  movement towards the other.





