Patristic references: Clavis ecclesiae, de ordine absolutionis sacramentalis ad reconciliationem cum ecclesia of Bartolomé Maria Xiberta
In the context of the study Clavis Ecclesiae of the writing of Bartolomé Maria Xiberta, the basis of his initial argument is background knowledge of the reconciliation of the patristic tradition. Therefore, this article focuses on the patristic theology that opens Clavis Ecclesiae of Bartolomé Maria Xiberta. The purpose of this article is to explore the theological aspects of reconciliation of the Church fathers used by Bartolomé Maria Xiberta, which are presented chronologically and systematically, although in certain place, he emphasizes widely the thoughts of Cyprian, Augustine, and the canons of some councils which in each period required contextualization and actualization of reconciliation. The methodology of this article is an analysis of Bartolomé Maria Xiberta’s text on reconciliation which is confronted with the text of the Church Fathers to attain synthesis in this article.