The Pneumatological Dimension of Xiberta’s Clavis Ecclesiae
Xiberta’s thesis is that the reality which is brought about by the actual celebration of the Sacrament of Penance is ‘reconciliation with the Church, granted in its name by its ministers’, which is the cause of the remission of that sin. Such reconciliation constitutes the personal impact of priestly absolution on the penitent and, quoting Jean Morin, Xiberta took for granted that the ‘proper and innate effect of the priestly absolution in the soul is a new assistance of the Holy Spirit.’ This paper reviews how Xiberta presented what Scripture, Tradition and the Scholastic Doctors tell us about the role played by the Holy Spirit in Sacramental Penance before sketching the implicit Pneumatology of Clavis Ecclesia, and locating that Pneumatology in the context of the then-dominant ‘Body of Christ’ approach, and the later, more explicitly Trinitarian, approach of the Second Vatican Council.