“Ecco, ho aperto davanti a te unaporta...” (Ap 3,8) Esperienza spirituale nell’era digitale:riflessioni teologiche, ecclesiologiche, antropologiche


  • Bruno Secondin, O.Carm Autore


The digital era, in which we are immersed, forces us to think more deeply about how we relate to society, and to ourselves, with our  journey of faith that is individual and communitarian. The Church in a particular way is called upon to have a presence in the digital  world, on the one hand, in order to learn how to live in that world and nourish it with wisdom and maturity, and on the other, in order  to indicate to her own members, lay or consecrated, enlightened approaches to witness, proclamation and formation of the human  person within the internet galaxy.
There are many dangers and indeed pathologies that may arise from the unconscious engagement with the cybernetic world, and so  the Church, with considerable courage and far-sightedness goes on pointing out possible avenues by which to approach these new  horizons in the style of the Gospel, and, even more, to ensure that they may be always places of theological significance in which it is  possible to encounter the living God and proclaim him to all.




