Philip Neri and Teresa of Jesus


  • Ulrike Wick-Alda Autore


In the year of the fifth centenary of the births of the saints Teresa of Jesus (1515-1582) and Philip Neri (1515-1595), it is only naturalto venture to compare thesetwo incomparable protagonists of the Catholic Reformation. They were canonized by Pope Gregory XV on  the same day, 12th March 1622. There is a lot that connects them, even though they did not know one another. The present  contribution investigates the similarities and differences in their biographies, the parallels in their prayer languages and in their  spiritual directions as well as specific accentuations in prayer. In general, the comparison of these two people reveals a stronger common spiritual basis than expected initially. Their personal work on themselves to make spiritual progress and the foundation of  communities to be able to work together for the Church are only the first points to remember.




