l’Invisibile nel linguaggio dei mistici
The theme addressed in this essay is quite extensive, since it is a question of combining faith and reason, the Invisible with the visible, the unspoken and the sayings of the mystics. These have already experienced here and now, in their humanity, Christ the revelation of the Father, living within them. The oral or written testimony of their inner experience is “consciousness”, related to a knowledge, therefore a manifestation of “wisdom” - knowledge - that comes from above. Their faith led them to encounter the Lord Jesus, to whom they conformed their lives so as to testify to others what they themselves have experienced. All this can be encapsulated within a reality that we generically call “mystical”, and which has intrinsic reference to Mystery. After having clarified the concept of mysticism, the author goes on to treat of the language of the mystics, that is, how they experienced the Mystery of love of the Triune God, taking into account that silence adoration which for them was a privileged communication with the Invisible.